100 Days of Python challenges

Join the 100 day Python coding challenge. Master Python with daily challenges, projects, and expert guidance.
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Day 1 - Hello World

1. Write a program that prints "Hello World!" to the console
2. Add single line and multi-line comments to your code

Reading List:
1. How does Python compile and run the code?
2. Learn the difference between Python and Java
3. Difference between Compiler and Interpreter

Day 2 - Variables

1. Create variables for your name, age, and favorite color and print them.

Reading List:
1. Learn the terms: initialization, declaration and assignment of variables
2. Learn the difference between Dynamically typed and Statically typed variables

Day 3 - Input and Output

1. Write a program that reads user input and print it to the console.
2. Modify the program to read and print different data type inputs (integers, floating-point numbers, strings)

Reading List:
1. Explore various methods for reading different type of inputs

Day 4 - Arithmetic Operations

1. Write a program that declares two integer variables and perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on them. Print the results to the console.
2. Write a program that calculates the area of a rectangle. Prompt the user to input the length(integer) and width(integer) of the rectangle, calculate the area (length * width), and print the result.
3. Modify the above program to read decimal numbers as the length and width, and output the area to two decimal points

Reading List:
1. Learn about formatting options such as precision, alignment, and decimal places to present output in a clear and concise manner

Day 5 - Conditional Statements

1. Write a program that reads an integer as user input and prints whether the number is Odd or Even to the console
2. Write a program that takes three numbers as input and prints the largest among them
3. Write a program that checks if a given input year is a leap year or not
4. Write a program that reads the percentage and then prints their corresponding letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F)

Day 6 - Calculate the area of a circle.

Write a program that takes radius of the circle and outputs the area of the circle to 2 decimal digits

Day 7 - Temparature Conversion

1. Write a program to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. 2. Write a program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius

Day 8 - Simple Calculator

Create a simple calculator program that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide two integers

Day 9 - Random number generator

1. Write a program that generates a random number. 2. Write a program that generates random number between 2 integers

Day 10 - For-loop

Use a for loop to print numbers from 1 to 10.

Day 11 - While-loop

Day 12 - Odd-even

Day 13 - Largest of three numbers.

Day 14 - Leap Year

Day 15 - Factorial

Day 16 - Palindrome String

Day 17 - Number of vowels in a string

Day 18 - List Sum

Day 19 - Maximum in List

Day 20 - Fibonacci sequence

Day 21 - Reverse List

Day 22 - List duplicates

Day 23 - List intersection

Day 24 - Words to sentence.

Day 25 - Words frequency

Day 26 - Anagram strings

Day 27 - Longest word

Day 28 - Reverse words

Day 29 - Words frequency

Day 30 - Sort a list

Day 31 - Merge dictionaries.

Day 32 - File operations: Read

Day 33 - File operations: Write

Day 34 - File operations: Append

Day 35 - File operations

Day 36 - Handle Exceptions I

Day 37 - Handle Exceptions II

Day 38 - Custom Exceptions

Day 39 - Class Object

Day 40 - Class hierarchy

Day 41 - Inheritance

Day 42 - Class methods

Day 43 - Encapsulation

Day 44 - Class definition

Day 45 - Polymorphism

Day 46 - Class decorators

Day 47 - Stacks

Day 48 - Queues

Day 49 - Binary Search Tree

Day 50 - Linked List

Day 51 - Graphs

Day 52 - Hash Table

Day 53 - Set Operations

Day 54 - List comprehensions

Day 55 - Iterable class.

Day 56 - Sorting algorithms

Day 57 - Search algorithms

Day 58 - Depth-first search (DFS) algorithm

Day 59 - Breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm

Day 60 - Tower of Hanoi

Day 61 - Dynamic Programming

Day 62 - Web server

Day 63 - CRUD application

Day 64 - User authentication

Day 65 - RESTful API framework

Day 66 - External API call

Day 67 - Pandas

Day 68 - Matplotlib

Day 69 - Statistical analysis

Day 70 - Numerical computing

Day 71 - Interactive data visualizations

Day 72 - Machine learning model

Day 73 - Neural network

Day 74 - Natural language processing

Day 75 - Recommendation system

Day 76 - Chatbot

Day 77 - Automation script

Day 78 - Download Files

Day 79 - Automate emails

Day 80 - Web scraping

Day 81 - Tasks Scheduler

Day 82 - Implement Tic-Tac-Toe

Day 83 - Command-line tool

Day 84 - GUI using Tkinter

Day 85 - Text-based RPG game.

Day 86 - Raspberry Pi project

Day 87 - Web crawler

Day 88 - Chat application

Day 89 - Generate fractals

Day 90 - Concurrency and parallelism

Day 91 - Data science

Day 92 - Design patterns

Day 93 - Code Optimization

Day 94 - Decorators and descriptors

Day 95 - Metaclasses

Day 96 - Python's standard library modules

Day 97 - Memory management and garbage collection

Day 99 - Open-source contribution

Day 100 - Portfolio

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