100 Days of Nodejs challenges
Join the 100 day Nodejs coding challenge. Master Nodejs with daily challenges, projects, and expert guidance.
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Day 1 - Node.JS Download and Installation
- Set up your development environment and install necessary software
- Write your first "Hello World" program
1. Install Node.js and npm
- Download and install Node.js from the official website https://nodejs.org
- Verify the installation by running `node -v` and `npm -v` in your terminal to check the versions.
2. Install a Code Editor
- Download and install a code editor if you don't have one.
We recommend: Visual Studio Code
3. Set Up the Project Directory
- Create a new directory for your project
- Open your terminal and navigate to the project directory
4. Initialize a Node.js Project
- Run `npm init -y` in your terminal to create a `package.json` file with default settings.
5. Write Your First JavaScript Program
- Create a file named `index.js` in your project directory and write a simple program that outputs "Hello World!" in your console
Day 2 - Global Objects
- Understand and explore Node.js global objects
- Learn how to use these global objects effectively in your Node.js applications
1. Global Objects
- __dirname: The directory name of the current module
- __filename: The file name of the current module
- process: Information about the current Node.js process
2. Understanding 'process' Object
- process.env: Access environment variables.
- process.argv: Command line arguments.
- process.exit(): Exiting the current process
- process.cwd(): Current working directory
- process.memoryUsage(): Memory usage of the Node.js process.
Day 3 - Console
- Using console for Debugging
1. Introduction to console
- Provides a simple debugging console
- Common methods: console.log(), console.error(), console.warn(), console.time(), console.timeEnd(), console.trace()
2. Use console
- Create a file named consoleExample.js and use the above methods in your code.
Day 4 - Simple HTTP Server
- Create and run a simple HTTP server using the built-in http module
1. Introduction to HTTP Module
- The http module provides functionalities to create an HTTP server and handle HTTP requests and responses.
2. Creating an HTTP Server
- Create a file named server.js and implement the code to create a http server on port 3000. Send 'Hello World!' as response
- Test your server by opening your browser and navigating to http://localhost:3000/. You should see Hello World!.
Day 5 - NodeJS Timers
- Use timers in Node.js to execute functions after a delay or repeatedly
- Executes a function after a delay using setTimeout()
- Executes a function repeatedly with a delay between each call using setInterval()
- Stop a timeout and interval from running using clearTimeout() and clearInterval()
Day 6 - Basic Modules
Learn and use built-in modules like fs (File System) and http
Day 7 - Routing in HTTP Server
Implement simple routing for different HTTP endpoints
Day 8 - Express Basics
Set up an Express application and create routes
Day 9 - Middleware in Express
Use middleware functions in Express
Day 10 - Handling POST Requests
Parse and handle POST requests in an Express app
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