100 Days of Java challenges
Join the 100 day Java coding challenge. Master Java with daily challenges, projects, and expert guidance.
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Day 1 - Hello World
1. Write a program that prints "Hello World!" to the console
2. Add single line and multi-line comments to your code
Reading List:
1. Learn the difference between Java and Python
2. What is a Java compiler and how does it work?
3. Difference between Compiler and Interpreter
2. Add single line and multi-line comments to your code
Reading List:
1. Learn the difference between Java and Python
2. What is a Java compiler and how does it work?
3. Difference between Compiler and Interpreter
Day 2 - Variables and Data Types
1. Declare and initialize variables for various data types including integer (int), floating-point number (double), and string (String). Then, print each variable to the console.
Reading List:
1. Learn the terms: initialization, declaration and assignment of variables
2. Learn the difference between Primitive and Non-Primitive data types
3. Default values and sizes of primitive data types
Reading List:
1. Learn the terms: initialization, declaration and assignment of variables
2. Learn the difference between Primitive and Non-Primitive data types
3. Default values and sizes of primitive data types
Day 3 - Input and Output
1. Write a program that reads user input and print it to the console.
2. Modify the program to read and print different data type inputs (integers, floating-point numbers, strings)
3. Write a program to read the user input using Scanner class
Reading List:
1. Explore various methods for reading different type of inputs
2. Modify the program to read and print different data type inputs (integers, floating-point numbers, strings)
3. Write a program to read the user input using Scanner class
Reading List:
1. Explore various methods for reading different type of inputs
Day 4 - Basic Arithmetic Operations
1. Write a program that declares two integer variables and perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on them. Print the results to the console.
2. Write a program that calculates the area of a rectangle. Prompt the user to input the length(integer) and width(integer) of the rectangle, calculate the area (length * width), and print the result.
3. Modify the above program to read decimal numbers as the length and width, and output the area to two decimal points
Reading List:
1. Learn about formatting options such as precision, alignment, and decimal places to present output in a clear and concise manner
2. Write a program that calculates the area of a rectangle. Prompt the user to input the length(integer) and width(integer) of the rectangle, calculate the area (length * width), and print the result.
3. Modify the above program to read decimal numbers as the length and width, and output the area to two decimal points
Reading List:
1. Learn about formatting options such as precision, alignment, and decimal places to present output in a clear and concise manner
Day 5 - Compound Assignment Operators
1. Write a program that utilizes increment(++) and decrement(--) operators.
2. Write a program that utilizes the following compound operators +=, -=, *=, /=, and %=.
2. Write a program that utilizes the following compound operators +=, -=, *=, /=, and %=.
Day 6 - Type Conversion
Write a program that performs the following tasks:
- Convert a String to an Integer
- Convert a String to a Float
- Convert an Integer to a String using valueOf() method
- Convert an Integer to a String using toString() method
Day 7 - Math Operations
Write a program that performs the following tasks using Math class:
- Maximum of 2 numbers
- Minimum of 2 numbers
- Square root of a number
- Floor and Ceil of a float
- Abs value of a double
Day 8 - Conditional Statements (if-else)
1. Write a program that reads an integer as user input and prints whether the number is Odd or Even to the console
2. Write a program that takes three numbers as input and prints the largest among them
3. Write a program that checks if a given input year is a leap year or not
2. Write a program that takes three numbers as input and prints the largest among them
3. Write a program that checks if a given input year is a leap year or not
Day 9 - Switch Statement
1. Write a program that reads the percentage and then prints their corresponding letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) using switch statement
Reading List:
1. Understand the advantages and drawbacks of if-else and switch statements
Reading List:
1. Understand the advantages and drawbacks of if-else and switch statements
Day 10 - Loops (for, while, do-while)
1. Write a program that reads an input integer 'n' and prints the sum of integers from 1 to 'n' using three different types of loops: for, while, and do-while loops.
2. Write a program that reads an input integer 'n' and prints the sum of even integers from 1 to 'n' (use continue).
3. Write a program that generates random numbers between 1 and 100 until it finds a number divisible by both 5 and 7. When the number is found, print it and terminate the loop using the break statement.
2. Write a program that reads an input integer 'n' and prints the sum of even integers from 1 to 'n' (use continue).
3. Write a program that generates random numbers between 1 and 100 until it finds a number divisible by both 5 and 7. When the number is found, print it and terminate the loop using the break statement.
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